Saturday, January 24, 2015

How to Blogging From Constant Way Without Wearing out?

I blog for two years, and I never stopped blogging. I blog for myself my readers and for myself too, I blog continuing to learn and continuing to provide useful information.

Some of the most common questions I hear is: How to always be motivated and inspired? How to continue to produce content without burning out?

I'm sure many bloggers have different tricks. Here are mine.

1 - Read a lot

For someone who works hard (trying to maintain a normal life), it is a good tip. It's easy to keep pushing your task list until the work "in progress" is made.

However, without regular access to the work of others and without being informed of new trends in your industry, you will quickly be depleted.

And this is not only to keep abreast of expert articles, and professional resources. This is read in general. Reading refreshes my head, to discuss another subject and ultimately keeps me inspired. It is also "self-development" the most effective, and tactics of personal development which I am aware.

But due to lack of time-out I do with. How to find the time to read when you can barely find time to sleep?

I have a few tactics:

     Learn to read faster: I became very effective reading, especially when it comes to reading new information. I did not always have time to check all RSS feeds: I use my Twitter list to give me the contents directly as soon as (it is published, you can use notifications with Tweet deck to put on the desktop of your PC..
     Listen to audio podcast I listen to audios by jogging or doing some housework - this way, it is time well spent!
     Develop your own way to organize your playlists: I have tried many taken note of tools, and creating to-do lists. The best for me is Ever note. One can even get alerts. There are also another good tool Trello.
     Be very effective for ideas of content: Make curation (or standby) content with Feedly. Keep up with all the sites and blogs, and sort by category, all on a single interface.

2 - Write an article when you feel inspired (e)

This is very important. By the time an idea comes to your mind and if you feel good, write down much of what you think on paper as you can.

I am using a simple technique: I take brief notes using everything I've nearby: a piece of paper, smartphone, or laptop.

I write whatever comes to mind at this very moment and I do not stop until I'm done. I draw arrows, note the points mentioned tools and examples.

In all honesty, I do not even think the same concept of "I have enough time. "Do it only when you feel like it.

Yes, note your idea (with many details) will often distract you if you do something together, but it will soon become a habit, and you will learn to always be organized.

3 - Try a content with a different format

When you are tired, bored or stuck, you can make a video or Slide Share - seriously.

I do not have time to procrastinate, sometimes I enjoy creating visual content. It is very refreshing and very inspiring, especially if you know the right tools. Here are some:
     Haiku Deck to create presentations slide shares
     The extension Super screenshot (Google Chrome) to make screenshots
     Pontoon to make cool videos (see the one I'm doing here)
     Canva to create info graphics
     Gif deck to create Gifs

These tools are very simple and very productive: You are not forced to spend hours to create visual content that look professional. You will also be much more inspired by using them.

4 - If in doubt, find tools

This is my solution to produce useful content regularly. There are tools for all - and many of them are free (or cheap). Also, very useful for bloggers.

Here's why:

     Using tools you find new ideas for original content. Sometimes when I'm stuck, I did a search on Google to find tools and begin to test them. So I think the problem that this tool can be solved, and games even do an article on it.
     Readers like full articles resource: Faced with a problem, everyone would know what to do once they have finished reading. By making a list of tools and expert advice, your item will be easier to implement, and easy to remember.
     The fact of knowing useful and practical tools makes you a knowledgeable writer. If you use old tools to solve new problems, you get a story idea that nobody has ever thought!

These are my tips to improve my productivity - nothing special, but it works well.

How do you stay inspired? Share your tips with me in the comments below.

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