Wednesday, November 25, 2015

#Microsoft selects few #Windows 10 Mobile Insiders for a new mission

The Windows Insider program that Microsoft launched in October 2014 proves to be a fruitful collaboration between the company and its users across the world, as both Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile have been developed based on consumer feedback.
But Redmond might be looking to expand this program beyond software and involve insiders in the development of hardware, according to new speculation.
Details are very vague right now, and it might be a little bit too early to talk about such an idea, but there are two different references that make people believe Microsoft could go into this direction.

“Interesting idea”

First of all, when asked by insiders why Microsoft isn’t allowing them to try out hardware with pre-released software, such as the Lumia 950 XL, Gabe Aul, head of the Windows Insider program, briefly answered by saying, “Interesting idea.”
But only a few hours later, WindowsCentral received a tip from Windows Insiders who were contacted by Microsoft in order to offer them “a more active role in the development of Window 10 Mobile.” Coincidence? It could be, but it’s pretty clear that Microsoft might be looking into something a little bit more beyond the OS itself, as the company was seeking for information such as their home address and devices they own.
This is the text of the email Microsoft has sent to insiders:
“We are currently selecting Windows Insiders like you to join a group that will soon play an even more active role in the development of Windows 10 Mobile. Based on the exceptional feedback that you have already provided on recent builds of Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview, we think you have both the knowledge - and passion - to be part of this team.”
And yet, not all insiders will be allowed to test unreleased Microsoft hardware (if this is the case here). It turns out that Redmond is only selecting those people who contributed the most to the Windows Insider program, so the more feedback you submitted, the bigger the chance to be picked.
Now fingers crossed and let’s start digging into Windows 10 for bugs.

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