Wednesday, November 25, 2015

#Microsoft shows #Windows 10 Mobile video, Launch Imminent?

In recent days, we have received a number of reports that suggest unequivocally that Microsoft is about to complete the development of the first version of Windows 10 Mobile (if not already done) and launch the first devices will be imminent, taking place later this month and early December.

Start the count down

Without going any further, this week has leaked the existence of the build of Windows 10 10586 Mobile (shown in video ), which would be the RTM version of Microsoft's new operating system and lack of anything new beyond correcting all errors and performance improvements necessary since the last build released, which already offered more than good performance.
Thus, while we remain in suspense before the imminent arrival of Windows 10 officially Mobile, Microsoft has offered us an appetizer to publish on its website a first video of its new mobile operating system(accessible only by Edge) in which It makes a small tour of the main new features like the new mail application, the interactive notifications , the new customization features , Microsoft Edge, Skype integration in the messages application or Cortana.
This is a very simple video that never tries to sell or impress, but to look back far beyond the main innovations of Windows 10 Mobile. No frills, no tricks. What do you think of this video? Do you think that soon the build 10586 of Windows 10 Mobile?

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