Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB3120677 brings new issues

Today Microsoft has rolled out Windows 10 cumulative update KB3120677, which brings a number of improvements and fixes for the recently found privacy settings changes made by Threshold 2.
But while cumulative updates are supposed to bring features and performance optimizations, it’s also no secret that some fail to install from the very beginning, thus making it impossible for users to deploy them. And what’s worse, since they’re cumulative updates, they also include the previously released fixes, so it’s basically impossible to bring your PC up to date if installation fails.
Now we’re hearing from our readers that KB3120677 makes no exception, and it also fails to install, but this behavior seems to happen only rarely for now.

Stuck during download

Some Windows 10 adopters who tried to install the cumulative update claim that the download process got stuck at 45 percent, and it was impossible to make it go past this progress.
Additionally, others reveal that the installation process fails with error code 0x800706d9, which obviously doesn’t tell much to the average Joe, who might think he has a chance to diagnose the bugs and repair everything on his own.
In most of the cases, we hear, manually installing the update could help, so if you want to do that, follow this link with Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge and download the new update.
KB3120677 is an update specifically aimed at Windows 10 Threshold 2 users, as Microsoft discovered that, after installing the new OS version, some of their privacy settings are reset. Redmond says that Threshold 2 mistakenly activated some data collection services even if users specifically disabled them, so future updates are supposed to restore their settings to the pre-update configuration.
At this point, it’s not yet known when these updates are expected to arrive, but Microsoft says that it’s working day and night to bring them out as soon as possible.

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