Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Todoist Preview for Windows 10 app launched

After several months of refinements through a closed alpha testing environment, Todoist is finally making it's brand new Windows 10 application available to all users. The new Todoist Preview app is built from the solid foundation of TaskCrunch which was the top-rated Todoist client in the Windows Store before it was acquired by Todoist themselves earlier this year.

While the Todoist Preview application currently does not feature Cortana integration, it is actually the first platform to get support for a third panel view which is ideal for group collaborations as the third panel view allows users to quickly glance at information without the need of flipping through menus. Besides that, the application also comes with a native Windows 10 design and layout which also has live tile and interactive notifications support.

You can now download Todoist Preview through the Windows 10 Store

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