Tuesday, November 24, 2015

New CU updates available for #Windows 10. Rumour TH2 coming on Thursday

Microsoft has just released a new cumulative update for Windows 10, this time also providing a few details about what’s included, mostly because almost all changes are actually security patches.
This makes sense, given the fact that this new cumulative update arrived on Patch Tuesday, but according to Microsoft, it also includes functionality improvements (which are yet to be disclosed).
Basically, this cumulative update, labeled as KB3105213, includes security fixes specifically aimed at Windows 10 or other OS components, such as Microsoft Edge, which got its very own share of patches this month.
Here’s what’s included in the update, as explained by Microsoft:
3105256 MS15-122: Security update for Kerberos to address security feature bypass: November 10, 2015
3104521 MS15-119: Security update in TDX.sys to address elevation of privilege: November 10, 2015
3104507 MS15-118: Security updates in the .NET Framework to address elevation of privilege: November 10, 2015 
3105864 MS15-115: Security update for Windows to address remote code execution: November 10, 2015
3104519 MS15-113: Cumulative security update for Microsoft Edge: November 10, 2015
3104517 MS15-112: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer: November 10, 2015

Not Threshold 2

While cumulative updates definitely come in very handy, it’s also worth noting that this new release is not Threshold 2, the Windows 10 update that everyone is waiting for these days.
Originally believed to ship on November 10, Threshold 2 might need a few more days before landing on RTM computers, with some sources now saying that it could actually be released on Thursday. As we told you, the November 10 date was uncertain, according to some of our tipsters, so it’s still hard to say whether the Thursday release will happen or not.
In the meantime, everyone is recommended to download and install this new cumulative update as soon as possible because it includes security patches that could prevent some exploits from happening. We’ll keep an eye out for any issues that users might be experiencing with this patch, and we’ll update the article should this be the case.

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