Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ways to make money with

Vps is a virtual private server ( a computer like) that is somewhere hosted you can controll it with remote desktop if its running windows or By SSH if its Linux using Putty SSH client lot of people are wondering how to earn money with vps well there is the current options

1-Running Hitleap

by running hitleap on your vps you can get hits on your website/link , but how to make money by getting hits on your website ? well... DONT THINK ABOUT PTP or Adfly or Adsens you will get insta-banned on adfly/adsens and ptp is not profitable at all its just a waste of time you can do it on anonymous ads you will earn alot of BTC trust me and you can also use adhexa its paying for skrill only i think, and a better way to get money with hitleap by selling your minutes

2-Hosting Game servers
you can host game servers like counter strike ones and Minecraft *be aware minecraft servers require alot of RAM* and sell them or make your own Game servers hosting company linux is also recommanded to use when hosting those game servers windows takes alot of performance.

3-Running Macros

Running macros like Addmefast one to get points and then sell the account on TBN market place or use macros for any other websites like PTC etc...( go easy on ptcs.. thats raping)

4-Running Bots

you can run bots like Autoclickers and use GSA captcha breaker to take care of the captcha ( 2gb ram required for optimal performance) and HTTP bots like the ones that you find on Tbn clubs like Rogue club etc...

5-Running FTP servers

you can create FTP servers and sell them to new companies "good luck with that"
6-Re-transmission of Streams
you can offer a re-transmission ( wrong word i know ) re-transmission is re-transmitting a stream from another lets say there is a server in UK for UK people that want to watch that stream you re-transmitt it on your server hosted on France to transmitt it for French viewers "mind blown i know lmao"

Dont think about Cryptocurrency with a vps mining is like anal for a vps your account will be suspended for ressource abuse

Dont try to DDOS using a vps you wont have anymore bandwith to use it next month maybe
Dont use a Torjan / Botnet on it you know the consequences.

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