Wednesday, November 25, 2015

#Surface Book Not Hitting Europe Until Well In To 2016

Surface Book Firmware

Microsoft’s ace in the hardware stakes, Surface Book won’t be hitting western Europe until well into 2016.
That’s according to company reps, and a blow to their plans for mega sales, but a relief to partner hardware makers who will have a better chance selling their own high-end notebooks and convertibles.
On the other hand, if Microsoft is selling Surface Books here in America as fast as it can make them, then it has no real alternative but to delay roll outs elsewhere.
Another benefit for Europeans is that all the launch bugs like the flickering screen will be fixed by the time the Windows 10 flagship device does arrive.
Microsoft and its CEO Satya Nadella are currently strutting their stuff on the London stage at Excel Arena for the Future Decoded event, talking about a mobile first, cloud first future plus European data centers, defense IT, and other enterprise systems.
Causing a few British eye brows to raise, Nadella showed off his iPhone running plenty of Microsoft apps.
There’s also been demos of Surface Pro 4 and Hololens, but it looks like Europe won’t get their hands on that elusive Surface Book, despite a regular flow of tweets from would be owner asking Microsoft to get a move on.

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