Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Cortana trails far behind SIRI and GOOGLE NOW

In a Run Down (performed by EXPERT EXCHANGE) between Siri, Google now and our favorite Cortana, both AIs outperformed Cortana . Yes, it was shocking for Windows phone geeks . They used variety of users and ranked them in terms of user satisfaction and accuracy.
Expert Exchange comments-
  • The survey results are pretty much unanimous: Siri is the favorite Virtual assistance. When Apple introduced Siri in 2011, her AI capabilities seems like something from the future. However her ability to compete a variety of commands with accuracy has led her to receive the highest ranking from our survey respondents. Ofcourse since Android users were excluded from Siri's audience, the debut og Google Now in 2012 earned it a fanbase that saw its distinct advantages over Siri. According to our survey it has still some catching up to do. While Cortana came in third place, she's still relatively new to the virtual assistance landscape, launching in 2014, and her capabilities remain impressive. Siri might have won this at this time, but with incredible advance in voice recognition and AI technology, an 81% user satisfaction rating might not be enough to hold onto that title for long.
Let us know what do our readers think.

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