Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Download #Windows 10 Build 10586 ISOs

OK guys, you asked for it and they delivered.
As we said earlier, Microsoft has released another Windows 10 build for the Windows Insider program.
The build number this time is Windows 10 Build 10586.
As usual, once a new build is released, we will bring you the links to the Windows 10 ISO files as soon as they are ready.
This build is the final build which will be released to the public as the “Fall Update” sometime soon. The latest build doesn’t include any new features, but it comes with some improvements.

The ISO files are here

Even though the official ISOs for this build aren’t available just yet, you can download the unofficial ISOs for Build 10586 using the download links below:
Please note that these are not official ISOs, they may have been modified. 
To upgrade to the new build, follow the steps below in your current install of Windows 10:
  • Click on the start menu and in the search box type ‘Windows Update’
  • Chose ‘Windows Update Settings’
  • In the main panel click ‘Check for Updates’
  • Download the new build
Make sure you are already enrolled in the fast ring.
Have fun and let us know how the update runs!

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