Sunday, November 22, 2015

ProShot updated and promises a new version for #Windows 10 Mobile

ProShot is one of the best known and most photographic applications to Windows Phone. As you know, the mobile operating system Microsoft is especially powerful when it comes to photographic capabilities is concerned and proof of this is Lumia Camera , which critics have agreed to qualify as the best photo application on the market, including all systems operating.

Photography at its finest

Today this magnificent application has received an update (as reported WMPU ) that leads to version brings a number of enhancements and improvements in function Manage Originals that users appreciate it.
However, the real story lies in the promise of Rise Up Games , who developed ProShot, a 6.0 version designed especially for Windows 10 Mobile, as stated in a special note which reads as follows:
Thank you very much everyone for your love and support over the years. It has been an incredible adventure and we are very grateful to the Windows community for having us in mind. We are happy to announce that we are working very hard on the next version of ProShot , which will be specially designed for Windows 10. It's going to be something very special and we can not wait to share with you all.
More details will follow in the coming weeks. For more information, you can follow us on our Twitter account,RiseUpGames.
With all our love,
Rise Up Games.

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