Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Report: Windows 10 Build 10586 ISOs delayed because of RTM launch ?

In the past, every time Microsoft shipped a new Windows 10 build to slow ring insiders, the company also provided new ISOs that allowed for a clean install on all machines. In this case, however, Gabe Aul, head of the Windows Insider program, says the new ISOs would arrive a little bit later, most likely when Microsoft makes the new Threshold 2 update available for RTM users too.

 As usual, anyone can that Microsoft uses to ship updates, but with a quick search online, you might also find images that have already been put together by other insiders

 In the meantime, word has it that Microsoft might release Windows 10 Threshold 2 to users sometime this week and sources originally said that November 10 is the date when this is very likely to happen.

 We’ve received some tips, however, claiming that Microsoft might actually wait a few more days to push the green button for Threshold 2, but we couldn’t confirm this with sources at the company. Take everything with a pinch of salt for now, but an official announcement is expected anytime soon.

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