Sunday, November 22, 2015

UK Argos have launched their black Friday deals early

Argos launches its Black Friday deals a week early

Black Friday is a curious beast. On the one hand, the retailers hate it because it forces them to aggressively discount at a time when they'd be shifting products anyway.
On the other, when every other store goes deal-crazy - you can't affort to abstain or you'll sell nothing for a week.
This weekend, Argos has played its hand by launching its Black Friday deals a week early. It's also promising that these prices are final - so you can buy safe in the knowledge you won't have saved more if you'd waited until the big day. If Argos does decide to discount further? It'll refund you the difference.
Sounds like a fair approach and is likely to pull the trigger on many other online stores launching their own Black Friday sales campaigns. So stay tuned for more UK stores following suit.

Argos' Black Friday deals

We've had a look at the Black Friday deals on the Argos website and there are some pretty good ones. You can see all the deals here, but here are our picks so far:
The latest deals offers Toshiba's C50D-B-120 Satellite E1 15-inch laptop down to £179.9.

Thanks Nicholas for the tip !!

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